Oil Pastel Drawing
I think that my final piece turned out okay, although I didn't blend the oil pastels well enough. My final product was successful in giving the 3-D effect that the shading was meant to give and overall it looked nice. Originally I tried to shade by coloring in the shapes in sections, but I found that in order to bled the colors you need to layer the oil pastels on top of each other. If I were to do this project again I would make the shapes bigger and try not to color in a shape with the wrong color, because it is very hard to fix. The most difficult part of completing this piece was probably the blending because it was hard to get the pastels to look like they were gradually changing from one to the next without getting lines of color. I learned that you have to be patient and take your time while working ion this piece because it took a while to get the colors to blend correctly.
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